An experiment to investigate the factors which affect the resistance in a wire.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
An experiment to investigate the factors which affect Resistance in a wire What is resistance? A potential difference (V) applied across a wire of length (l), there is in the conductor, an electric field (E). In this electric field the free electrons are not however under continuous acceleration (Ee/m). This is because they repeatedly collide with the moderately massive vibrating atoms losing their kinetic energy. The vibrating atoms having gained this kinetic energy now …

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…be used to recognise that. I will take as many different results as possible so that there a wide range of results and that I am able to arrive at a good conclusion. To increase the accuracy of the experiment I will do repeats for all the experiments so when the mean is taken, an accurate table is drawn up and if one result is anonymous the other two results would contrast the anonymous result.