An examination of the role of retributive justice in the murders in Macbeth.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
An eye for an eye', 'what goes around comes around', and 'all in good time'. All of these sayings have the same meaning, which is basically; you get what you deserve. This is also known as revenge, or in this case, the main topic of retributive justice. In Macbeth, there are many murders committed and in a Shakespearean play with murders there is, without a doubt, going to be some examples of revenge. Retributive justice …

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…V.vii.20-21). An appropriate saying for this topic is to not throw stones if you live in a glass house. That is exactly what Macbeth was doing. He was killing all of these people when he too is only human and able to be killed just as easily as his victims. Macbeth ended on a good note with good prevailing over evil and the infamous Macbeth receiving his just retribution, the ultimate retribution, death.