An examination into the influence of Christianity in shaping the writings of C.S Lewis: by evaluating his conversion and accounting for the effect this had on his writing -- nb: footnotes included

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Clive Staples "Jack" Lewis, formally known as C.S Lewis, was an atheist scholar who became an Anglican, a highly acclaimed apologist and a "patron saint" of Christians everywhere. INTRODUCING: LEWIS "He was a heavily built man who looked about forty, with a fleshy oval face and a ruddy complexion. His black hair had retreated from his forehead, which made him especially imposing. I knew nothing about him, except that he was the college English …

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…collectively entitled Perelandra. An allegorical novel set in space, in which the main character (Edwin Ransom) is based on the real-life persona of his close friend J.R.R. Tolkien. (Appendix ) 16.Paradise Lost - John Milton 17.Most recognised and critically acclaimed literary work (Appendix ) 18. Aslan is a Christ-figure who creates and rules the supernatural land of Narnia, and the improbable adventures of four undaunted British schoolchildren who stumble into Narnia through a clothes closet. (Appendix )