An evaluation of the role of globalisation in China.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > International
According to OXFAM, gloabalisation is a process of economic integration driven by the liberalisation of trade, investment and capital flows and by rapid technological change. Some people believe that globalisation is a good thing as it brings the world market together and creates chance for those in LEDC as without the MEDC would perhaps suffer. It is true that globalisation has promoted the trade between countries and some advanced technologies and skilled labours might have …

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…the countries would be larger than ever which are still expanding. Compare this phenomenon to the definition of gloabalisation, we can see that globalisation never happens. It is more like an ideal phase that people wouldn't get to due to a lot from the inifitive wants. However, it may eventually turn the world into a monopoly controlled capitalism world where the high cost skyscrapers built on the graves of people died from starvation and poverties.