An essay on the politics of gender roles. Examines the traditional gender roles, and women who are changing them.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
The Politics of Muscle Which sex is stronger? What does strength suggest in the American culture? Today, there are two schools of thought. They are alike in many ways, yet strikingly different in their views. Would an increase in the physical strength of women have a greater impact than the occasional role model in business or government? In the era of gender politics, men and women play traditional roles. Historically, the male has been the …

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…drivers seat for control of their personal image. You don?t have to look for any outside inspiration for the strength. If there is a need, then go join a gym and get buff. You?ll feel better, but it still won?t change things. You?ll just be a strong woman living in a stronger man?s world. Although the impact of strong females would be massive, it would not change the status quo.