An essay on my experience with labeling and diversity.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Outdoors
Who am I? What assumptions do people make when they see me? What labels might I pretty much wear across my chest because of the judgments that are made by others on a daily basis due to my appearance? I am blonde and thin on the outside, intelligent and inquisitive on the inside. A Christian, a feminist, a sorority member and a figure drawing model. I am many things, some positive, some negative, some known …

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…a person based on their "labels" out of the water. Labels are one of the greatest insults that we can give a person. Not only do labels set up expectations that limit an individual, but they keep those of us who are assigning those labels from really getting to know our neighbors. In a world where all too often our lives are characterized by loneliness, this is the ultimate story of building our own prison.