An essay on addictions

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
Addiction Addiction can occur more easily to some individuals than others. Not only is it the addictive power of the substance, may it be drugs, alcohol, or even caffeine, but it is also depends on the individual and the individual's environment. Humans have always had a curiosity in experimenting with things that alter them both mentally and physically. It is just human nature. This is how many addictions occur, mainly drug and alcohol addiction. There …

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…this and just think of it as a minor craving for coffee, but what they are actually craving is the drug. Addiction has neither a single cause nor a simple cure. Many times people are unaware of their addiction because there isn't always a fine line between having a dependence on the substance and just normal use. Addiction always starts with just a little innocent curiosity but then can end up in a full-blown addiction