An essay based on class handouts that states the opinion that Isreal and Palestine will never be able to live side-by-side in peace.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
After reading the three handouts, "1948 Arab-Israeli War," "Palestine, Iraq and American Strategy," and "The Contest For Palestine," I have come to the inevitable conclusion that Palestine and Israel may never come to a peaceful agreement. The people there do not want to work together and they do not want to listen to anyone else. Several incidents have occurred there that prove the problem may never be fixed. One such incident was known as "The Wailing …

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…have for anti-American terrorists. With the dislike of America strong in the Muslim people, they are less likely to listen to American resolutions on their problems. The political unrest of Israel may always be present. The Muslims and Jews cannot come to a peaceful conclusion on their own. They are also not willing to listen to other world powers. This is why Israel has always been and probably always will be a war torn country.