An essay about the life and times of Fidel Castro.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926. He was the son of a landowner. As a child he attended Catholic schools run by Jesuits before graduating from the University of Havana with a degree in law. Fidel married into one of Cuba's wealthiest families before the age of 21 and could have utilized his law degree to become extremely wealthy by leaching United States money from Havana's mob-controlled tourist economy. By age 21 Fidel fell victim to his "…

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…assistance. Castro used this money on his social programs like his war on illiteracy and free universal health care. Castro also assisted foreign revolutions in Angola and Ethiopia. He was elected the head of Nonaligned Nations Movement and has held fast in his criticism of US imperialism. The destruction of the Soviet Union severely hurt Cuba's economy and took away some of Fidel Castro's power. To this day Fidel Castro remains the president of Cuba.