An essay about ethics of cloning

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
CLONING We are living in the era of technology, due to this, science is improving very fast. Science has a lot of branches and most of them are affected by this technology. Genetic engineering is one of them. It is very popular nowadays. The main aim of it is to make better animal and plant species for the benefits of human being and to cure illness genetically. Cloning is the one of the ways that …

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…restrictions. Scientists, will maintain to clone humans, animals and plants, even if a lot of people are against them. New things are always judged by the people and considered as immoral, but in time they understand the aim of scientists and later it seems an ordinary thing. For example when Galileo and Copernic claimed that the world is round the church threatened them, but at the end it was proved that the earth was round.