An argumentative essay on why we should conserve our environment and what good it could bring us

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
Why should we conserve plants and animals? I am arguing for conserving plants and animals. I will discuss how plants and animals have an impact on our lives and how this would be dramatically changed if they weren't conserved. The word "conserve" means preservation, especially of the natural environment. In plants and animals case, it means, To keep in existence, to retain and to keep safe from harm or loss.1 Thousands of plant and animal …

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…as there would be no tigers to eat them and their surrounding habitats would decrease dramatically as the deer would need more food. As more creatures become extinct the effect will not only be to animals but to humans as well. Earth is a beautiful planet full of millions of different species of creatures in all shapes, size and form. Let's make sure we keep it that way. If nature doesn't survive, neither will man 8