An Essay on wheather or not Mary Reiby should be on the $20 note.

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Essay Database > History
Mary Reibey, born Mary Haydock, may not be one of the most recognised Australian icons, but in her lifetime certain achieved many great accomplishments. She came out to Australia as a convict on the ship "The Royal Admiral" after being convicted of stealing a horse and being sentenced to seven years in Australia. She arrived in Sydney in October 1792 and two years later was married to Thomas Reibey (An Irish officer on the "Britannia") whom …

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…life, I have realized just how much she has affected my life without me knowing it. Had it not been for her life, which I believe gave other women belief in what they could attain, then perhaps the role of women in today's society would be a lot different. It is for this reason as well as the others stated before, that I strongly believe that Mary Reibey deserves to be on the twenty-dollar note.