An Analysis of the Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Jay Gatsby believes he can buy happiness; and this is exhibited through his house, his clothes, and through Daisy. He owns a large portion of finances due to some mysterious source of wealth, and he uses this mystery source to buy his house, his clothes,and Daisy, for awhile. Gatsby's house, as Fitzgerald describes it, is "a factual imitation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy, with a tower on one side, spanking new under …

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…on a facade, a mask of opulence and wealth. However, he is never fully accepted and his dreams of attaining Daisy Buchanan are never completely fulfilled. Money in itself can buy many things: houses, cars, fancy clothes. These are all material things; Jay Gatsby wants the the immaterial, a love he lost long ago. But, the dawning of realization comes too late for many, and Jay Gatsby never quite understands that you cannot purchase happiness.