An Analysis of ASA Briggs "Victorian People"

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Essay Database > History > European History
An Analysis of ASA Briggs Victorian People Victorian People, by ASA Briggs, tells a unique story about the mid- Victorian period of England from 1851 to 1867 and is very successful in showing unity among it's people, their thoughts and ideas. The period begins with the Great Exhibition of 1851 and ends with the second reform Bill of 1867. The period from 1851 to 1867 is considered the period of high Victorian England. The social balance produced a distinctive civilization of …

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…-Victorian period. Briggs made the choice to show the unity of the high Victorian period through the study of selected people from that period. He selected personalities of the period who made contributions to their times. It should be obvious that people united in any cause stand a better chance of success. ASA Briggs achieved his goal of showing the unity of the period through his study of these various characters and their common goals.