"America the Great"-- After the 911 attacks has the U.S gotten stronger or weaker?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
It has been recently discussed in the media about the present state of the nation. Is the United States better than ever or have the past terrorist attacks weaken the American spirit? When we hear the word strong, we almost instantly think about physical power, being tough and glaring, but strength is not only physical but mental and spiritual as well and here is where the average people are mislead about the strength of the …

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…point of glory yet, we might be one of the most influential and powerful nations, but far from being perfect and almighty like we parade ourselves to be. The nation appears strong in the surface, but deep inside they are not, there is still much to be done, too many issues that we should be ashamed of having in these modern times, we should focus on our flaws rather than interfering in other countries' affairs.