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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
AMAZON.COM 1. THE STORY BEHIND AMAZON.COM - In 1994 Jeffrey Bezos saw the internet usage was growing at 2300% per year. - Bezos left his job and drew up a list of 20 products that could be sold on the net and narrowed the list down to either music or books, but decided on books - He moved to Seattle because it was close to Roseburg Oregon which is were one of the biggest book warehouses is …

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…substitues as the customer wants specific titles or authors SUBSTITUES: Substitues in the book industry and music industry would also compete with online magazine sellers, the ability of the author to place the book on the web themselves and sell them. The download companies like Napster that allows people to download music for free. The artsts to open their own sites and sell music on line at reduced prices. AMAZON.COM EXPANDING BEYOND THE BOOKS