-vs- Barnes & Noble

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
In this day and age you can fulfill your shopping needs in many ways. Two of these ways are your conventional brick and mortar store or you can shop online. Retailers who only sell through Internet have lower on-line prices than retailers who also sell through conventional stores. On average, prices of these goods are 15 percent cheaper on Internet, but if a single item is bought transport costs can make it as expensive to buy …

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…of market demand and help determine new product offerings. It will also increase customer loyalty. * A customizable help desk. For example, when on the auction page, clicking help will yield auction-specific information. Currently, clicking on "help" takes visitors to a generic help desk wherever they are in the site. * The ability to search the site's features to reduce confusing navigation problems and help new users to find features they may have learned of thru word-of-mouth.