Amazon rainforest, past, present and future uses.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
The Amazon: The Past, The Present, The Future Introduction to Rainforests A rainforest is classed as an area of lush vegetation with higher than average temperatures and yearly rainfall. Rainforests are the most biologically diverse ecosystems in the world, containing more than 50% of the worlds plant and animal species, yet only accounting for 7% of the Earth's land surface. A rainforest comprises of four levels, starting with the emergent trees. These are individual trees that stick …

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…that we all need rainforests. We depend on them for so many different reasons such as food, medicinal cures, cleaner air and household products like rope, fabric and furniture, just to name a few. If we were to lose all rainforests in the world, we would not be in good shape. Rainforests are a vital key to us living, and in order to keep it that way we must start preserving them for future generations.