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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
Intro: Aluminum or aluminium has an atomic number of 13. Its symbol is Al and it is located in group13 (IIIA), period 3. History: The story of aluminum started out in England. The year was 1807 when a British scientist named Humphry Davy, discovered a new unidentified element in clay. He tried using electrolysis to isolate the element, but he could only manage to create the white compound this element formed with oxygen. He named it alumina. In 1825 …

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…reduced the body's water loss. Aluminum fluoride (AlF3) helps lower the melting point and increases the electrical conductivity of aluminum. Aluminum hydroxide (AlO3H3) is used to put out fires and can be found in fire extinguishers. Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is one of the hardest minerals and can be found in rubies, sapphires and other gemstones. Aluminum sulfate (Al2S3O12) is used in paper production, water and sewage purification, and in dyeing procedures.