Alcohol 2

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
A class is chemical compounds, all if which consists of chemically bonded atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen all alcohol molecules contain at least one hydroxyl group. When people say alcohol they usually think of beer, wine, or liquor, but there are several types of alcohol. An alcoholic beverage is a drink that contains ethyl alcohol. They are mostly made of grains or from grapes or other fruits. There are two main groups fermented and …

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…the higher mental processes, causing a rise in self-confidence and a reduction of feelings of anxiety and guilt. Physical reflexes and muscular coordination may be noticeably disturbed, if drinking continues a complete loss of physical control results. The effects of long-term drinking include damage to the brain, stomach, intestines, and heart. Liver problems, including a disorder called cirrhosis, are especially common in alcoholics because of the key role the liver plays in breaking down alcohol.