Albert Einstein 2

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Albert Einstein was probably the most famous scientist of the twentieth century. He revolutionized and reshaped scientific thinking in the modern world. By general consent he is acknowledged as the greatest theoretical physicist who ever lived. Best known as the creator of the Theory of Relativity, Einstein would still rank among the greatest scientists for his part in the idea of quantum mechanics, for his contribution to statistical physics, and for his role as a …

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…his long last illness with great stoicism, and died peacefully on April 18, 1955 at the age of 76. One of the greatest scientist ever born, his thoughts have forever change the way humans think about the world. Through hard times at birth to his death, he will be remembered, for his great ideas, and the ideas which he wishes he never thought of. He has changed the world in ways he would have never thought he would.