Alasir Fraser: Scottish Fiddler.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
An exciting event full of wonderfully played Scottish folk songs, and a short demonstration of how to do a Celtic dance, left me in a wonderful mood for a Sunday night. Leaving Laxson Auditorium I felt I knew so much more about Scottish music, history, culture, and even geography by his explanations of what each tune was about and where it was originated, than from when I had first arrived. The concert started when Alasir …

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…with the emotion behind each one. It was a great change and kept things interesting with the mixing of the slower and faster tunes. I actually went out and bought a CD of Irish songs to study a little more, and to listen to for my own enjoyment. Overall the concert was great, the music was amazing and I felt I learned just that much more than I had known before of the Scottish culture.