Al Capone

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Born in New York City by parents Gabriel and Teresa Capone, Alphonse was blessed with a historical blend of ruthless gangster in his blood. Capone's parents immigrated to the United States in 1893 from Naples, Italy. Capone came from a huge family. He was the fourth oldest of nine children. At birth, Capone's parents never would have believed that their son Alphonse would grow up to be a murderous thug without remorse. (The Encyclopedia of World …

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…met by armed guards who escorted it to Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Even in death, Capone commanded gunmen legions to protect him against unseen enemies, in this case ghouls." (The Encyclopedia of World Crime 617) The family held a private ceremony at the cemetery, but were wary of grave robbers taking the corpse so they reburied Alphonse Capone in a secret plot in Mt. Carmel Cemetery. This is where the legendary crime lord shall rest in peace.