"Akhenaten's impact on religion, art and building was significant, but temporary"

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
"Akhenaten's impact on religion, art and building was significant, but temporary" It cannot be denied that Amenhotep IV, or Akhenaten as he is more widely known, had a very large and significant impact on Egyptian religion and art during his reign as pharaoh. The effects and impacts of his reign spread across many aspects of Egyptian life and ranged from the art of Akhenaten and to religion and the Cult of Aten to building at …

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…impacts were detracted from however as a result of Akhenaten's successors trying to erase the main effects of his reign and return to the old, traditional practices. Though so many of his changes were abandoned many of his concepts remained in place. Bibliography www.cheathouse.com www.neptune.com http://www.kate.stange.com/egypt/city.htm http://rubens.anu.edu.au/htdocs/teach/roman/britfiles/arch1.htm http://indigo.ie/~marrya/akhenaten.html Antiquity 2