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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Aids first appeared in 1959. Its definition states that its any of a group of retroviruses and esp. HIV-1 that infect and destroy helper T cells of the immune system causing the marked reduction in their numbers that is diagnostic of AIDS -- called also AIDS virus, human immunodeficiency virus. A retrovirus is any of a group of RNA-containing viruses (as HIV) that produce reverse transcriptase by means of which DNA is produced using their RNA …

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…use sterile needles that haven't been used by an infected person. The totals count 36.1 million people will be infected by the end of this year. I find that information to be frightening especially when the majority of people who are infected with aids are under 25 and myself being a teenager under 25. I hope that everyone abides by the ways not to be infected and that they find a vaccine soon that will cure this disease.