Aggression As A Mental Disorder In Canines

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Aggression As A Mental Disorder In Canines People across the world keep dogs as pets. These dogs are usually a big part of their owners lives and often grow up to truly be, "man's best friend,". What, then, can be done for a dog with behavior problems? Through recent research it has been established that dogs, like many humans, do suffer from mental disorders. There is however, a variety of treatments available and a complete …

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…through obedience training and consistent commands (Meisterfeld 51). However, as seen through the work of Dr. Dodman, even if your dog does become aggressive, all is not lost. There are a plethora of treatments available and most are a complete success. Works Cited Dodman, Nicholas. The Dog Who Loved Too Much. New York: Bantom Books, 1996. Horwitz, Debra. "Recognizing Aggression." Dog Fancy April 1996: 40-47. Meisterfeld, C.W. "To Bite or not to Bite." Dog Fancy April 1996: 48-51.