Age of Scholarship.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Age of Scholarship Traditional history speaks of the Zhou conquering the Shang and proclaiming a mandate of heaven. The Zhou justified their conquest by citing the moral depravity and excesses of the last Shang King. They set up a network of kin relationship (zongfai) in various regions, which formed the basis of a new unified state. During the Period of the Warring States, in the late centuries of the Zhou dynasty. Three school came upon …

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…life. Legalist didn't concern themselves with ethics, morality, or propriety and it didn't give them much popularity and the Chinese morals and Philosophers weren't taken in much consideration. They were more about expanding the kingdom and the prosperity of the state imposing their laws with harsh punishment. After all the negativity of the philosopher towards them, Legalist methods put an end to the Period of the Warring States and brought about the unification of China.