Age Discrimination.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Age discrimination is one of the worst types of discriminations next to that of racial or ethnic discrimination. A person's age should never be a factor in how they are treated. Once we reach the age where we can make logical conscious decisions on our own, we should be treated like any other adult. Age discrimination is predominant because the majority of this world's inhabitants have unfair and old-fashion ideas or beliefs with respect to …

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…to accept all of their fellow humans equally and judge them solely on their character and not their age. It is important to remember how it felt to be excluded when we were young and we will once again feel that exclusion once again when we are old. We need to prevent this exclusion from happening by respecting all people regardless of their age. Works Cited Gillam, Scott. Discrimination: Prejudice in Action. Springfield: Enslow Publishers, 1995.