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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Causes & Cures In this essay I plan to analyze a dangerous disease that is infecting people through the U.S. This disease is called affluenza it is very contagious and once infected with the disease it is difficult to unseat. Affluenza us characterized as an unhealthy relationship with money, swollen expectations and trying to keep up with the Joneses. Affluenza creates stress, bankruptcies, and causes problems in relationships. Although, there are some people who have …

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…person and their spending choices. In the end I would warn that although affluenza can be prevented and even cured, it should not be underestimated it can do irreversible damage to families, and financial statements alike. I would also contend that society has an obligation to combat affluenza, but again the burden lye's with the individual to make the difference. In closing, one final question one should ask them selves is do I have affluenza?