Aerodynamics of racing cars.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Engineering
2.0AERODYNAMIC TOOLS By studying the trends of the last thirty years we see that aerodynamics is a reason behind the success of a racing car, since tire and engine technology have made a comparatively small progress. Furthermore, tires are not manufactured to fit the particular needs of a single racing team, while engines often are developed in series for more than one team. This conclusion leads us to the analysis of the aerodynamic tools: computational …

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…is deal to place a NACA duct near the front of a surface, where the boundary layer is thin and laminar. The edges of the vent must be sharp; this allows the airflow to flow up around these edges to form a vortex along each side. The pressure differentials of the vortices help draw air in the vent. NACA duct is more frequently used for small volume cooling flows such as break or oil cooling.