Advertising makes us buy things we don't need with money we don't have.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
Advertising "Advertising makes us buy things we don't need with money we don't have." I agree with this statement to a point. Advertisements have both pros and cons. For the pros advertising makes it possible for businesses to get people to know them. It's also a way for different organizations to let there opinions out. This is especially in politics were pressure groups have a large influence in important decisions. The government also uses them …

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…would people be able to accurately vote for their people in office. They wouldn't even know the persons name. They also use advertisements to help find missing persons and even criminals. The government also limits the power of advertisement they even recently made it illegal to send subliminal messages in advertisement. The even make large monopolized companies break up into smaller ones. My opinion is " advertising is good as long as they can't do it."