Adolf Hitler 5

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Adolf Hitler, born April 20th 1889 in the small Austrian village of Braunau am Inn. Growing up Hitler lost his father at the age of fourteen. His mother spoiled him; he grew up undisciplined and with very little education. Hitler felt lost and unsuccessful at school, and at the age of sixteen Hitler left school and decided to pursue his love for art. Hitler moved to Vienna to attend the Academy of Arts but he failed …

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…a two thirds majority in the Reichstag to have a legal dictatorship. Hitler was able to win this majority thanks to the emergency decree. He used his new found powers to simply arrest any non-Nazi representative. On March 23, the Nazi Reichstag, with Hitler as President, passed a law giving Hitler complete dictatorial powers. From there Hitler would send German troops to occupy the Rhineland and conduct a systematic invasion of Europe starting World War II.