Adaptions in ectothermic and endothermic animals to extreme climate

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Adaptions in Ectothermic and Endothermic animals to extreme climates First of all we need to understand what ectothermic and endothermic animals are. Animals differ in their abilities to regulate body temperature (thermoregulation). We sometimes use the terms "cold-blooded" or "warm-blooded." Most reptiles feel cold to the touch, while mammals and birds often feel warm. Somewhat more precise descriptions can be made by using the terms poikilothermic and homoiothermic. The body temperature of poikllotherms is relatively …

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…exist in the extreme climates of the world have adapted to be able to live well in these habitats and will probably stay living in these habitats for a long time to come. Bibliography Books: Biology, Principles and processes By Michael Roberts, Michael Reiss, Grace Monger Life on earth and Life in the freezer By David Attenborough Hutchinsons Encyclopedia Video: BBC Biological science-Endotherms and Ectotherms Multimedia: Encarta 97 Encyclopedia Internet: