About Establishing With Aboriginal Communities and Fishing Rights In New France! Very Detailed!

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The fishing in North America turned out as a very popular job for people, poor men could labor in the New World and get paid a fair amount of money having no knowledge of the techniques what so ever. As the countries joined into the fishing, the banks began to get less plentiful and less of a profit. Salt and preparation also had to be taken care of which meant more employment to cover and …

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…of the Huron, Samuel de Champlain agreed to take part in battles, offer shelter to people that lost their homes and provided weapons to assist in battle. In return the people held true to the territory surrounding Port Royal, this kept the English and other tribes from launching attacks. With friends came enemies- the English and Iroquois who too allied together and over came the settlements that were bought back for a very large price.