About Cetral Asian Politics

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
CULTURAL SOVIETIZATION OF CENTRAL ASIA Formation of the Soviet rule in Central Asia gave a birth to the process of Sovietization of Central Asian countries. "Sovietization" played a significant role in the life of Central Asia. It greatly influenced Central Asian states in many ways - politically, economically, culturally, etc. Of course, Sovietization made very beneficial changes in Central Asia and its further development, but it also had its own disadvantages as well. Let us …

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…I want to say once more that Cultural Sovietization was very beneficial for the development of Central Asia in terms of education. As a result of Sovietization people got more educated, many schools and other educational institutions were opened throughout The Central Asian countries, and people from different nationalities of the USSR got closer to each other and felt equality. But there were also some disadvantages in terms of loosing cultural background, religion, traditions, etc.