Abortion Should Be Illegal

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Abortion Should Be Illegal Getting an abortion is a very tough decision to make with serious consequences. The process requires the pregnant, soon to be mother, to go through a procedure where the fetus in the uterus is killed and extracted from their body. The decision to have this done could be a very regrettable one. Sure, it may feel like it is the right thing to do at the time, but later on in …

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…commit. It ruins families and indiviuals because it is an irreversable process. There are many other options for a person to choose instead of killing off their child. Abortion should be illegal in the U.S. because it gives people an easy way out of a action they made. People who have had them done normally feel remorseful because they know that getting an abortion is not the right way to get out of pregnancy.