Abortion: Is it a woman's choice?

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Audience: Teenage, high school girls There is no way around it; ending the life of another human being is murder. Whether it is an adult who can walk and talk or a child that is still within the mother's womb, it has a soul that dies when its body is killed. However, there are those who would argue that a woman has the right to choose whether to abort her innocent, unborn child. No one …

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…chance of life for every other individual that would have been born as a result of the baby's birth. Regardless of how a life begins, each person is as valuable as the next. Fletcher, Dr. John C.; Evans, Dr. Mark I. "New Discovery shows Mother/Child bond during late first trimester or early second trimester." (1987): 1-3. "No Conditions Justify Abortion." Opposing Viewpoints. American Life League (1990). Reagan, Ronald. "Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation." Speech. 1983.