Abortion 8

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Abortion. What is it exactly? Is it a just form of birth control, a way out, or is it an unmerciful slaughtering of an innocent human being's life? Abortion is a process in which an unborn baby is killed and taken out of the mother's body, by some means. Most, all of which, are brutal and liable to make your stomach churn and heart flutter with queasiness. The most important things I would like to …

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…an alcoholic. She lives everyday knowing she killed her own flesh and blood. She goes through therapy session after therapy session because she has to live with the fact that her child never had a chance. In conclusion, I'd just like to say that abortion is not the answer. It isn't the only way out. It will only cause you pain and it will haunt you down the line. So be smart and choose pro-life!