Abortion 19

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Abortion Abortion is the killing of a human being before it is born. It is killed while it is a fetus. John Noonan states several things concerning the subject of abortion. If you are conceived by human parents, you are human. The life of the fetus is dependent on the life of its mother. At the moment of conception, you have a unique individual in the genetic code that cannot be duplicated. There is an 80 % …

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…chosen. There are other options like adoption. Although people say that it affects the child mentally, at least that child had a chance to feel the absolute happiness of being alive. Some say that people get abortions if they are raped. But they do not need to because the police can take the sperm out before they catch an effect on the female victim. They do this to catch the perpetrator that caused the rape.