Abortion 18

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Twenty-six years ago, on January 22, 1973, there was a controversial case brought to the Supreme Court. That was the day that abortion was legalized. Now, in 1999, we are still faced with the verdict of Roe vs. Wade. Abortion was instituted supposedly to reduce child abuse. People believed that the child was probably not wanted before birth, so why not let it be born at all?! Sadly, this belief has been proven wrong by recent scientific studies. …

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…Although abortion will probably never go away, people are fighting constantly to make it at least illegal. Also, women have to be shown that there are other options, such as adoption. People have to be taught at a younger age, how wrong abortion is and what kind of damage it can cause a woman, both physically and emotionally. We, as people, must start to respect all life from the moment of conception until natural death!