Aaron Burr, father of the political machine

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Pages: 40
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Essay Database > History > North American History
AFTER the Revolution, chaos. Nothing could exceed the confusion and petty antagonisms of the thirteen states at the close of the Revolutionary War. The bond that had united their sympathies and joined their powers was loosened by the tidings of peace, and the victorious regiments marched home to discover that the feeling of Nationalism had been largely confined to the army, and that narrow, provincial sentiments prevailed in the local districts. After the war of …

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…five other of his opponents. When he learned that the grand juriesof New Jersey and New York were about to indict him, he fled to Philadelphia where he had an affair of the heart. Never for a moment did he lose his self-composure, never did he think of explaining his act. To his own self was he justified in killing his rival, and to Aaron Burr, Aaron Burr was all-sufficient. To his daughter, now h