A comprehensive look at the development of the computer programming language, focusing partially on C++.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Microsoft, Ebay, Intel - none of these companies could have been created if it weren't for the development of computer programming languages, especially the language of C++. The base of any computer program is the language that it was written with. There are several different computer languages that exist today; however, C++ is the most universally known and used. The specific intent of this paper is to recall the history and types of the computer …

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…years. It's unimaginable how far computer programming languages have actually come, and how far they will continue to go. As Philip Wadler once said, "Whether a visitor comes from another place, another planet, or another plane of being we can be sure that he, she, or it will count just as we do: though their symbols vary, the numbers are universal. The history of logic and computing suggests a programming language that is equally natural."