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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
<Tab/>Difference Between HIV AIDS A person is said to be HIV positive if that person is infected with the virus HIV. The person may not be sick at all. A person is said to have AIDS if the person is infected with HIV and has certain signs and symptoms of the disease. In short, HIV is the virus, and AIDS is the disease that it causes. Affect Of AIDS On …

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…can cause AIDS. Accepted research on the origin of the different HIV pandemics indicates that they all evidently originated at close to the same time (around 1950) in five different widely distant locations; central and western Africa, both coasts of America, and western India. The central African strain was a heterosexually infective HIV-1, the east and west coast American strains were homosexually infective HIV-1, and the western Africa and western India strains were heterosexually infective HIV-2.