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Essay Database > Science & Technology
aids conspiracy razz from Rosie A lot of you have probably heard about how AIDS originated in Africa, but did you know that in the 1970s, the US government admitted to creating a new disease that would destroy the human immune system. When they described the new disease it sounded exactly like the AIDS virus. Later on, when the government did Hepatitis B experiments on thousands of male homosexuals. ALL of these men had HIV …

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…And in Portugal, a court indicted a former health minister over an Aids scandal dating back to her time in office during the 1980s. The court said the minister, Leonor Beleza, should be tried for propagating a contagious disease. The decision refers back to a case in which more than 100 Portuguese haemophiliacs were infected with the Aids virus after receiving transfusions of contaminated plasma that had been imported and distributed by the public health service.