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Essay Database > Science & Technology
AIDS is the acronym used for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a disease transmitted through the blood. It is transmitted from person to person through sexual intercourse, blood transfusions, IV drug users, and from mothers to babies during birth. AIDS is a disease which breaks down the human immune system causing the body to become very open to to infection. The disease is brought about by the HIV-1 virus. HIV-1( Human Immune deficiency Virus) …

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…find an answer to it and fast. Other Countries around the world have vast cases of infection from these viruses as well. Haiti, Canada, Asian, and European countries are all battling in a war against a deadly disease. Scientists from all over the world have joined together to help win the war against AIDS. It can not be done by one person though. Everyone must do their part to keep themselves from this quiet killer.