A tour of Shiraz

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Shiraz is known as the poetic capital of Persia, because two of the greatest poets of the world, Hafez (1324-1391) and Sa'di (1209-1291), come from this city. Sa'di, the traveler, was born in Baghdad and saw a great part of the world before he finally settled in Shiraz, where he died. Hafez on the other hand, was born in Shiraz and, except for one very short journey, never even left his city. So it's logical …

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…When the Achaemenians traveled to Egypt, they saw the pyramids of the Pharaohs and were very impressed. When they were back home, they dig up the bones and started to make something impressive for their own kings. Probably they have also been in Petra in Jordan??? A riddle to all the archeologists is this cube opposite the tombs of the Kings. Some say it is an ancient fire temple, but they can't say for sure.