A story about a tornado incident

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Treacherous Terrain As a resident of Florida, "The Sunshine State" I can vouch that my state does not always live up to the expectations for the nick name it was chosen to represent. Not only are Florida's meretriciously warm and sunny summer days part of its existence, but its days can often be filled with grave and horrifying thunderstorms. When these storms occur, natural disasters such as tornadoes and floods beyond belief rampage through our …

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…debris and rubble. Natural disasters can not be explained or eliminated from the world, much less from the "sunny" state of Florida. No matter how beautiful and wonderful a place in this world can be, nothing can stop the dangers that the forces of nature can bring with them. In the events I have surpassed, I have learned to respect nature in every way, and I will never underestimate what the next day will bring.