A single factor as the one most responsible for the origins of the cold war.

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Pick a single factor as the one most responsible for the origins of the cold war. You can choose a person, an event, even an ideology or belief system, but provide a thorough and convincing explanation as to why you consider this factor to be the most significant. You may also, if you choose, argue that the cold war was inevitable, but again you must support this claim with the use of specific evidence. As …

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…policy, 1917-1991. (London 1992) 4. Gaddis, John Lewis; Russia, The Soviet Union And The United States: An Interpretive History. (New York 1978) 5. Rothwell, Victor; Britain And The Cold War 1941-1947. (London 1982). 6. Nogee, Joseph L; Donaldson, Robert H; Soviet Foreign Policy Since World War II. (New York 1981) 7. Khruschchev, Nikita S; For Victory In Peaceful Competition With Capitalism. (London 1960) 8. Mc Cagg Jr, William O; Stalin Embattled:1943-1948. (Michigan 1978) 9. Kennan, George F; Russia And The West Under Lenin And Stalin. (London 1961)