A short story involving time travel.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The Third Ring Around The Sun I just woke up and was looking out the window when my science teacher started yelling at me, "John! You're finally up! I was just telling the rest of the class that over the weekend you are to write a page essay on what you think the Earth will be like in the years to come. Have a nice weekend, class dismissed!" I was walking out of the room …

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…Roswell replied, "They were created when............" The next second I was home. I ran into my room and started my science report. I wrote about the rings, Earth being called the Sun, and everything else I learned on my trip. On Monday after I read my report, my science teacher said, "That was good John, but nothing like that could ever happen, so I am giving you a D." Well, it was worth a try.