A short essay on the Impacts of Tourism on the Environment.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
One of the most essential things for tourism to be successful in a particular place is the quality of the environment, both natural and man-made. However tourism involves many activities that have a negative effect on the environment. These occur when the level of usage is bigger than the amount of caring for the environment. Uncontrolled tourism is threatening many natural areas around the world. It can put great pressure on an area, and lead …

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…of these tourists both directly and indirectly cause pollution to these places, making them unappealing to other tourists. However, the next stage in the cycle is employing local people to help clean it up, making their lives slightly easier and more comfortable. It is only when the gap between these stages gets too large that it becomes a real problem, but with good planning and having everything in moderation, this may not happen any more.